YV Terms and Conditions

1. Use of YV’s Website 
1.1. By using and/or visiting YV’s website you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions. 
1.2. YV may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these terms and conditions and any related policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits.
1.3. www.youngvoices.co.uk may have links to other websites. YV is not responsible for the contents, nor does it warrant the accuracy or reliability of any linked website. YV, to the extent permissible by law, excludes all liability which may arise from your use or reliance on the information or contents contained in the linked site. 
1.4. The copyright in the contents of this website is owned by YV or its licensors. The data and information available through www.youngvoices.co.uk are owned by YV and unless otherwise noted, adheres to our Copyright Policy. 
1.5. YV is committed to protecting your privacy. Our Data Protection Policy describes the ways in which we collect information from you when you use our website, and what we may use it for. It should be read in conjunction with the other terms and conditions as well as our other policies.
1.6. Although care is taken to check and test material at all stages of production, YV cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or your computer system which may occur whilst using material derived from this website.
1.7. YV has tried to ensure that the contents and information it provides is accurate at the time of posting/ distribution. In the event that this information should change, we will do our best to communicate that change to all involved.

2. Online Teacher Community 
2.1. By using and/or visiting YV’s online teacher community, you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions. 
2.2. YV may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these terms and conditions and any related policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits.
2.3. Within our services we have an online teacher community which includes YV published guidance as well as third party advice that may be of use to other users. We are not responsible for the advice given by the third party.
2.4. The views and opinions expressed in the online teacher community are not those of YV and no endorsement is made by YV of accuracy or completeness of the content. You should not rely on views and opinions put forth by third parties.
2.5. You agree that you will not post material that contains content which is harmful, threatening, abusive, vulgar, obscene, harassing, defamatory, offensive (racially, sexually, or ethnically), promotes a political view or is otherwise objectionable.
2.6. You will not post or transmit chain letters, pyramids or money schemes.
2.7. You will not use your account to: Impersonate any person; and/or ‘Spam’ by posting frequent and/or annoying messages.
2.8. Material that you post must not contain links to sites that open up multiple windows or to sites that contain material that would fall within clause 1.3 above.
2.9. You agree that you will not post content, the display of which would infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. In particular, you represent and warrant that the content of your posting is original and not copied from any third party. If referencing a third party, you agree to give credit where credit is due.
2.10. You agree that you will not use postings to offer items or services for sale or place advertisements for goods, products or services of third parties.
2.11. If you breach any of the provisions set out in this clause YV may immediately terminate your use of the service.
2.12. YV reserves the right not to publish any material that you post in its absolute discretion.

3. Attending a YV Concert 
3.1. By paying the registration fee you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions.
3.2. In the interests of Child Protection and Health and Safety at YV Concerts, every school that attends should be registered directly with Young Voices. This means that more than one school cannot share one registration. This ensures that we can easily identify schools in the case of an emergency and that every school that takes part will receive all our vital health and safety information before they attend.
3.3. YV may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these terms and conditions and any related policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits.
3.4. Invoices do not reserve/secure your place in our concerts and are subject to availability. Only upon full receipt of payment will we confirm your inclusion. YV is not liable for any outstanding invoices that were unable to be processed due to lack of availability. Payment options are outlined in Payment Methods.
3.5. YV will assign your concert date if no preference is received. This date will be confirmed upon full payment of the registration fee. You are expected to attend the concert you have been assigned. YV is not responsible for schools who show up on the wrong date.
3.6. Changes to your concert date can be made if notified, subject to availability. YV is not responsible for the inability to change your concert date should there be no availability.
3.7. Music and information will not be dispatched until full payment of the registration fee has been received and confirmation of inclusion has been sent.
3.8. Should there be a need for a reserve list, we will not process payment until a space has opened. We will also work with you to try and get you to a concert potentially on a different date or even a different venue. Cooperation would be appreciated.
3.9. The registration fee is non-refundable.

4. Teacher Workshops 
4.1. By paying the workshop fee you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions.
4.2. YV may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these terms and conditions and any related policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits.
4.3. Invoices do not reserve/secure your place at our workshops and are subject to availability. Only upon full receipt of payment will we confirm your inclusion. YV is not liable for any outstanding invoices that were unable to be processed due to lack of availability. Payment options are outlined in Payment Methods.
4.4. YV will assign a teacher workshop date if no preference is received. This date will be confirmed upon full payment of the registration fee. You are expected to show up to the workshop you have been assigned. YV is not responsible for teachers who show up on the wrong date.
4.5. Changes to your workshop date can be made if notified, subject to availability. YV is not responsible for the inability to change your workshop date should there be no availability.
4.6. All workshops must be paid for before the day of the workshop. Teachers who arrive at the workshops without paying the workshop fee could be turned away if there is no availability. YV will not be accepting payment on the day.
4.7. The workshop fee is non-refundable.

5. Final Choir Numbers 
5.1. By paying the registration fee you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions.
5.2. YV may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these terms and conditions and any related policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits.
5.3. Final choir numbers must be submitted to YV by the deadline outlined in the Teacher Guides. Approximate choir numbers will be taken as final if we are not notified otherwise.
5.4. YV must be notified of any special seating/disability requirements at time of submission. No requests will be able to be accommodated once numbers have been locked. YV is not responsible for any needs that were not brought to our attention before the deadline.
5.5. Any changes in numbers after choir numbers have been locked (especially increases) could result in no availability. YV is not responsible for any children/adults who arrive in excess of your allocation and reserves the right to turn them away.

6. Permission Slips
6.1. It is the responsibility of the teacher in charge to obtain a signed permission slip from all children in their respective choir for involvement in our Concerts. Young Voices reserves the right to ask schools to supply all permission slips for reference and may do so as part of its annual auditing procedures.
6.2. By signing the YV permission slip each parent/guardian gives the express consent to ;
6.2.1. Their child being filmed  or photographed (or both) at the concert which they attend;
6.2.2. Their child’s performances at the said concert being recorded;
6.2.3. The use  by YV (and third parties authorised by YV) of the said film, photograph and/or recording by any and/or all means and in any and/or all media for profit or not for profit  throughout the world for the life of copyright in the applicable  film, photograph and/or recording and any extensions and renewals thereof and where possible, in perpetuity; and
6.2.4. The editing by YV of the said film, photograph and/or recording as necessary for the purpose for which such materials are being used.
6.3. By signing the permission slip  each parent/guardian waives, on behalf of themselves and the child for whom they are providing consent, all claims of any kind in connection with or arising from the use by YV (and third parties authorised by YV) of the said film, photograph or recording (as applicable).
6.4. Please raise any filming objections with us as soon as possible, and in any event prior to the concert. When possible we will take reasonable steps to take account of your objections. This might include ensuring that no close-up images are taken of your child so that they cannot be easily identified although you acknowledge that your child may still appear in wide angle group images.
6.5. If at any time after an event you wish to have your child’s image removed from footage/photos/other materials then please get in touch with us and we will take reasonable steps to accommodate your request, but you acknowledge that this may not always be possible, for example where we have already distributed event videos or materials which include the relevant images or footage. We will always try to find a reasonable solution for any reasonable requests. 
6.6. You can read more about the basis on which we process data arising from films, photographs and recordings of our concerts, in the Data Protection provisions in clause 12 of these terms and conditions.

7. Audience Tickets 
7.1. By purchasing Audience Tickets you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions.
7.2. YV may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these terms and conditions and any related policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits.
7.3. Delivery is not guaranteed before the date of the concert if the order is placed within 5 working days of the date of your concert. YV will not be liable for any tickets that do not arrive on time.
7.4. Invoices do not reserve/secure your tickets and are subject to availability. Only upon full receipt of payment will your tickets be placed into the arena, and dispatched accordingly. YV is not liable for any outstanding invoices that were unable to be processed due to lack of availability. Payment options are outlined in Payment Methods.
7.5. Ticket holders must abide by the rules and regulations of the concert venue in addition to these terms and conditions. Venue rules and regulations are available throughout the venue and may be changed at the venue’s discretion.
7.6. Your ticket will be in the form of paper sent via Royal Mail or a digital ticket, depending on what the Arena systems involve. Tickets cannot be cancelled or exchanged after purchase, other than in accordance with these terms and conditions and the terms of the Ticket Agent from which they are purchased.
7.7. Only persons holding a valid ticket will be admitted. You must keep your ticket with you at all times during the concert. The concert venue reserves the right to refuse entry to our concerts for any reason, regardless of if a ticket has been purchased.
7.8. Ticket holders enter the venue on the basis that they give express consent to being filmed or photographed (and the use of any film or photography) at the concert, and acknowledge that we may include material including shots of the audience in our recordings of the concerts for distribution on our website, by DVD, download or any other means.
7.9. Please raise any filming objections with us as soon as possible, and in any event, prior to the concert. When possible, we will take steps to take account of any special circumstances.
7.10. Keep your tickets safe. Your ticket may be invalidated if any part of it is removed, altered or defaced. Removing the ticket stub of a paper ticket will invalidate the ticket. YV nor the Ticket Agent from which they are purchased will be liable for any stolen or lost tickets.
7.11. Ownership or possession of a ticket does not confer any rights (by implication or otherwise on you to use, alter, copy or otherwise deal with any of the symbols, trademarks, logos and/or intellectual property appearing on the ticket or used in connection with the concerts. Tickets may not be used for promotions, competitions, and sweepstakes or for other commercial purposes without the prior written consent of YV and the corresponding Ticket Agent.
7.12. YV (and arena Ticket Agents) are the only authorised retailers of Audience Tickets. If you are unsure as to whether or not a person offering tickets for sale is an authorised retailer, please contact us. Please be aware that auction sites are not authorised Ticket Agents.
7.13. Resale, or attempted resale or purchase of a ticket other than via an authorised retailer are grounds for seizure or cancellation of such ticket without refund or other compensation.
7.14. The number of tickets purchased (per concert not per school or family) is subject to a maximum. We reserve the right to request the cancellation by the Ticket Agent of any tickets we have reasonable cause to believe to have been bought in excess of this maximum number or otherwise in breach of the venue terms.
7.15. Any issues with seating must be brought to the attention of the arena on the night. Some accommodations can be made but only if we know about them. Seating issues that were not brought to the attention of the arena on the night will not be valid after the concert.
7.16. Tickets are non-refundable. If a concert is postponed, then the purchased tickets will become valid for the rescheduled date only. Ticket holders who cannot attend the rescheduled concert date for whatever reason will not be eligible for a refund. Grounds for rescheduling or cancellation can be found in clause 11.

8. Choir T-shirts & General Merchandise 
8.1. By purchasing any YV merchandise you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions.
8.2. YV may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these terms and conditions and any related policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits.
8.3. Prices quoted on the website are correct at time of publishing. Young Voices reserves the right to vary prices due to changes in VAT or any other circumstances which may be beyond our control. All orders are subject to a delivery charge.
8.4. Delivery is not guaranteed before the date of the concert if the order is placed within 5 working days of the date of your concert. YV will not be liable for any merchandise that does not arrive on time.
8.5. Invoices do not reserve/secure your order and are subject to availability. Only upon full receipt of payment will your order be dispatched accordingly. YV is not liable for any outstanding invoices that were unable to be processed due to lack of availability. Payment options are outlined in Payment Methods.
8.6. Children and adult chaperones in the choir are encouraged to wear the official Young Voices Choir T-shirt. Purchase of a shirt is not mandatory. If an official YV Choir T-shirt is not purchased, a plain white shirt must be worn instead.
8.7. Choir t-shirts are only for those in the choir and must not be worn by anyone in the audience.
8.8. Keep your Choir T-shirts safe. YV nor the arena merchandise stands will be liable for any stolen or lost choir t-shirts.
8.9. Official YV merchandise is only available for bulk ordering that is processed by the school, through the available YV School Shop (which can only be accessed by registered school accounts). Order forms are available on the school's teacher centre account. Once the deadline for school bulk orders has passed, merchandise will be available on our Shopify Shop or from arena merchandise stands on the day of the concert (at an increased cost).Please be aware of unofficial website traders offering inferior goods for which we accept no responsibility. We recommend that no 'rip-off' YV t-shirts are purchased through these rogue websites.
8.10. The copyright associated with all merchandise is owned by YV or its licensors and unless otherwise noted, adheres to our Copyright Policy.
8.11. All merchandise (except for items purchased at the venues) will be dispatched via Courier Service. Orders cannot be cancelled after purchase, other than in accordance with these terms and conditions.
8.12. Exchanges due to incorrect sizing, order completion errors or damaged products can be made if notification of the error has been made within 5 working days of receipt. All postage exchanges on items will be at the cost of the customer (regardless of how many items need to be exchanged). All exchanges are subject to stock availability.
8.13. Ownership or possession of YV merchandise does not confer any rights (by implication or otherwise on you to use, alter, copy or otherwise deal with any of the symbols, trademarks, logos and/or intellectual property appearing on the merchandise or used in connection with the concerts. YV merchandise may not be used for promotions, competitions, and sweepstakes or for other commercial purposes without the prior written consent of YV.
8.14. Resale, or attempted resale or purchase of merchandise other than via an authorised retailer are grounds for seizure without refund or other compensation.
8.15. All YV merchandise are non-refundable. However, we do offer exchanges as outlined in clause 8.12

9. YV Concert Videos (streamed/download)
9.1. By purchasing a Concert Video you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions.
9.2. YV may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these terms and conditions and any related policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits.
9.3. Prices quoted on the website are correct at time of publishing. Young Voices reserves the right to vary prices due to changes in VAT or any other circumstances which may be beyond our control.
9.4. Our stripe payment integration supports several card brands, from large global networks like Visa, Mastercard, American Express and China UnionPay (CUP) to local networks like Cartes Bancaires in France or Interac in Canada.
9.5. Your Concert Video will be accessible via your unique code. Orders cannot be cancelled after purchase, other than in accordance with these terms and conditions.
9.6. Your Concert Video will be available to watch on one chosen device and is not transferable to other customers.
9.7. Concert Videos will then be available to download as a mp4 video file 6 months after purchase.
9.8. Resale, or attempted resale or purchase of Concert Video files is not permitted.
9.9. Although every care is taken to try and film all participants (including teachers), there may be instances where this is not achieved. We cannot guarantee that every choir member will appear on the Concert Video. Refunds will not be offered solely on the basis that a child doesn’t appear on your Concert Video.
9.10. Ownership or possession of a Concert Video does not confer any rights (by implication or otherwise on you to use, alter, copy or otherwise deal with any of the symbols, trademarks, logos and/or intellectual property appearing on the Concert Video or used in connection with the concerts. Concert Videos may not be used for promotions, competitions, and sweepstakes or for other commercial purposes without the prior written consent of YV.
9.11. The copyright associated with Concert Videos is owned by YV or its licensors and, unless otherwise noted, adheres to our Copyright Policy.
9.12. Concert Videos are non-refundable.

10. Egress & School Collection Points 
10.1. By paying the registration fee you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions.
10.2. YV may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these terms and conditions and any related policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits.
10.3. Under no circumstances are schools to leave the concerts early. This includes leaving before the concert has finished. Schools must wait for instructions given by the announcer on the night. YV is not responsible for any congestion or safety concerns created by schools leaving early.
10.4. We strongly recommend that parents do not pick up their children from the arena. It is safer and a quicker egress if teachers take their children back to school and have parents meet them there.
10.5. If, or in the case of an emergency, parents pick up at the arena – there are designated school collection points. Do not arrange alternative collection points within the arena or in the surrounding area. YV is not responsible for any arrangements made outside of our designated areas.
10.6. YV is not responsible for the arrangements made by teachers after the concert for parents to meet their children. Any complaints about collection must be brought to the school’s attention.

11. Unplanned Events 
11.1. YV reserves the right to alter or vary the programme for the concert or to reschedule or cancel all or part of the concert. YV will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations that is caused by an unplanned event.
11.2. An “Unplanned Event” refers to any act or event beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to: Strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties; Civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack; War (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war; Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaste, state funeralr; Failure of public or private utilities or telecommunications networks.

12. Data Protection
12.1. YV is committed to protecting your privacy.  It is the policy of Young Voices that all information collected must be dealt with properly and securely regardless of how it is collected, recorded, and used either on paper, in a computer, or recorded on other material.
12.2. YV regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as very important to the successful and efficient performance of its functions, and to maintain confidence between those with whom we deal.
12.3. YV’s ability to share and promote its work, including concerts and footage from events, is crucial in achieving its purpose as an organisation showcasing the power of large choirs and inspiring young people to engage in music. Whilst YV seeks to ensure that each participant child has parental/guardian consent given for processing of that child’s data in photos, recordings and footage, YV relies on its legitimate interests as an organisation when it processes each participant child’s data as embodied in film(s), photograph(s) and recording(s) from its events. By participating in YV events, each child (via its parent/guardian on its behalf) enters into a contract with YV whereby YV commits to organising each event in order for participants to take part. YV therefore also relies on the performance of that contract as the second basis on which it processes each participant child’s data. 
12.4. More information about the ways in which YV processes data can be found in the YV Privacy Policy on our website. YV reserves the right to change our Privacy Policy from time to time with information relevant to our ever-evolving business.
12.5. YV uses an email service that tracks whether you open our emails and or click any links, Your IP address and Location when opening is also recorded. YV does not utilise the IP or location information in any way.

13. Rescheduled concerts
13.1. Once you register and are fully paid, you have until you receive your Music Book to withdraw from your concert. Due to the resources and value associated with our Music Book, refunds will not be given if you receive your Music Book, even if the concerts are postponed or cancelled.
13.2. As in previous years, the refund policy is that all concert registrations are refundable up until the point you receive your Music Book. We consider this to be a valuable educational resource for your school.