An unforgettable journey for your child.

Children taking part in YV have the opportunity to perform in some of the world’s greatest arenas alongside incredible artists. To achieve this with all their school friends around them for support, it helps their self-belief, self-motivation, confidence, and ability to communicate as part of a team - which is invaluable! Add to this the numerous health benefits of singing in rehearsals, including breathing exercises to focus the mind - it’s no wonder that Young Voices is over-subscribed year after year!

The concert is the culmination of a lot of hard work from your teachers and children.

We provide online resources so that children can practise at home to support the rehearsals they are doing in school. Our songs are selected from a wide range of music styles to give the children the widest learning experience possible.

parents singing along

We thought about you too.

You are an integral part of what makes Young Voices work. Without your support we wouldn’t be able to have 200,000 children taking part in arenas across the nation!

As the children practice from home, it is our vision to introduce music that might be new to the children but spark a sense of nostalgia in the parents. We then try to balance that with music that the children have heard but parents might not be familiar with. All in an effort to connect families through music.

choir singing

YV Music Room

Through the process we’ll provide you and your child with an invaluable resource called the YV Music Room. This resource allows your child to continue rehearsals at home. There is a massive sense of achievement gained from rehearsing over so many months and finally performing to a sold out audience of thousands. Please talk with your child's choir teacher who will have more info and access details.